Friday, December 11, 2009

Recess Plus Winter Session: Grade 3- Kids Are Authors Contest Clubs

During the Winter Session of Recess Plus, two groups of Macdonough 3rd Graders will take part in the “Scholastic Kids Are Authors Contest Clubs.”

“Kids Are Authors is an annual competition open to Grades K–8 and is designed to encourage students to use their reading, writing, and artistic skills to write and illustrate their own books.” (

Our groups will meet on Mondays and Tuesdays for eight weeks. During the club, we will share many examples of picture books, including picture books that have been written and illustrated by children. We will discuss what we like and dislike about each story and its artwork. This will help us decide what type of book we would like to create. We will also discuss what type of artwork we would like to include.

Our completed works will be sent to Scholastic by March 15th, 2010.

Grand Prize winning books are published by Scholastic each year. Each Grand Prize winning team will receive 100 copies of their published book. The winning books are sold at Scholastic book fairs across the country.

Grand Prize winners and Honorable Mention winners will be notified by May 31st, 2010. Keep your fingers crossed.

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