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Thursday, December 23, 2010
Macdonough School Selected for National Assessment!
We are pleased to announce that Macdonough School has been selected to participate in the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
NAEP is often called the "Nation's Report Card." It is the only measure of student achievement in the United States that allows you to compare the performance of students in our state with the performance of students across the nation.
We are delighted that students from Macdonough School will have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge on this important academic measure.
Greek Myths at Macdonough

Each child in the group received a copy of D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths to further explore the many gods and goddesses of ancient Greece!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Macdonough Students win Recycled Scuplture Contest
Two Macdonough School students took first prize in Middletown's 2010 Recycled Scuplture Contest.
The brothers took old homework papers and created a sturdy and attractive in-box. Their artistic creation won first place in the Family Division.
The box is on display in our main office.
Congratulations to Rakesh and Rajeef!
The brothers took old homework papers and created a sturdy and attractive in-box. Their artistic creation won first place in the Family Division.
The box is on display in our main office.
Congratulations to Rakesh and Rajeef!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Macdonough School Students win Stock Market Game!
The Connecticut Stock Market Game™ program announced two teams from Macdonough School were the top finishers in Connecticut for the Elementary School division of their fall session.
Starting with a virtual cash account of $100,000, students strived to create the best-performing portfolio using a live trading simulation. They invested in companies, tracked their investments, and competed with other school teams across the state during a ten week session in a race to make the most of their investments.
The first place team from Mrs. Paul's class turned their intial investment into $129,710.81, while the students in Miss Claffey's class earned an impressive $117,965.51.
The Macdonough teams were also in the top ten statewide out of more than twelve hundred teams representing elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, and adult teams.
The students and teachers will be honored at a ceremony hosted by the Connecticut Council on Economic Education.
Starting with a virtual cash account of $100,000, students strived to create the best-performing portfolio using a live trading simulation. They invested in companies, tracked their investments, and competed with other school teams across the state during a ten week session in a race to make the most of their investments.
The first place team from Mrs. Paul's class turned their intial investment into $129,710.81, while the students in Miss Claffey's class earned an impressive $117,965.51.
The Macdonough teams were also in the top ten statewide out of more than twelve hundred teams representing elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, and adult teams.
The students and teachers will be honored at a ceremony hosted by the Connecticut Council on Economic Education.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Macdonough School... In the News!
Thanks to the Newspapers in Education program, a dozen copies of "The Hartford Courant" are delivered to our school each morning. Students in our third, fourth, and fifth grade classes have the opportunity to receive newspapers.
Students enjoy catching up on the news, sports, and weather throughout the day. They even get a chance to read about Macdonough School now and then!

Tis the Season to Be Reading

Each classroom welcomed a guest reader / community leader for a read aloud. Then the entire school assembled in the gymnasium for a celebration to include a reading of Governor M. Jodi Rell’s formal proclamation of December 16th, 2010 as “Tis the Season to be Reading” day statewide, a read aloud of Our Children Can Soar, written by Michelle Cook; and a new book giveaway for every child at the school.
Macdonough Mariners
Coach Teresa Morello led the Macdonough Mariners to a thrilling last minute victory against the Bielefield Bobcats in today's interschool basketball game.
To keep the crowd energized during the basketball game, our cheerleading team led an assortment of cheers.
The Macdonough School Cheerleading Team is led by Coach Stefanie DiBacco, a fifth grade teacher at Macdonough School.
The Macdonough school team, comprised of fourth and fifth graders, demonstrated terrific teamwork, wonderful sportsmanship, and represented our school with pride in front of a standing room only crowd.

The Macdonough School Cheerleading Team is led by Coach Stefanie DiBacco, a fifth grade teacher at Macdonough School.
Kwanzaa Celebration

The Kindergarten students learned about the Kwanzaa celebration this week. The students read the story "My First Kwanzaa" by Karen Katz. Students created a windsock with the traditional colors seen in Kwanzaa celebration- black, red and green. Students also enjoyed a delicious snack of various fruits found in the Kikombe. A Kikombe or unity cup is made up of corn, apples, yams, nuts, and squash. The fruit and vegetables remind the people of the end of the harvest and the beginning of the planting season.
Musical Mentoring at Macdonough
Thanks to an incredible partnership with the Green Street Arts Center, Macdonough School is proud to announce the start of the Musical Mentoring program.
The program matches fourth graders at Macdonough School with students from Wesleyan University for private weekly music lessons.
The first session of the Musical Mentoring program was held yesterday. Students were introduced to the instruments (viola, violin, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, or saxphone) and had the opportunity to select one for their lessons.
The program matches fourth graders at Macdonough School with students from Wesleyan University for private weekly music lessons.
The first session of the Musical Mentoring program was held yesterday. Students were introduced to the instruments (viola, violin, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, or saxphone) and had the opportunity to select one for their lessons.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
"Donors Choose" Project in Middletown
At, teachers submit ideas for experiences and materials that their students need to learn, such as: improving vocabulary with a class set of dictionaries; developing algebraic skills with graphing calculators; or taking students to Washington, D.C. to see the Supreme Court consider a case.
The first DonorsChoose project in Middletown is posted from Macdonough School! Miss Sarah Claffey, a fourth grade teacher, is seeking money to purchase book series for students.
Her project description begins with the following:
“Have you ever been reading a book and wished it would never end? Have you ever been thrilled to know that your favorite author has written a sequel allowing you to "spend more time" with your favorite characters? If so, you'll know exactly why I'm looking for book series for my students!”
Want to learn more? Click here!
Any individual can search proposals by areas of interest, learn about classroom needs, and choose to fund the project she/he finds most compelling. Donors may receive a feedback package of photographs, student thank-you notes, a teacher impact letter, and an expenditure report showing that their gift was spent as directed.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Holiday Wreaths at Macdonough!
Did you like the potato latkes?
This week the kindergarten classes tried Potato Latkes during snack to celebrate Hanukkah. This week the question for our graph was "Did you like the potato latkes?" More students liked the potato latkes in both Mrs. Lenihan & Mrs. Spaman's class.
Hanukkah In Kindergarten
Recess "Plus" at Macdonough School
While almost every school has recess, not many schools have recess "plus." Students at Macdonough School have the chance to participate in a variety of extra activities during their recess periods thanks to our wonderful staff.
Some of this trimester's Recess Plus programs being led by Miss Chaelyn Lombardo include:
Some of this trimester's Recess Plus programs being led by Miss Chaelyn Lombardo include:
Out Of This World: a Recess Plus Science Club
- Kidz Math: A Recess Plus Math Club
- Cooking for Literacy: A Recess Plus Enrichment Club
- Kids are Authors: A Recess Plus Contest Club
- Math Rap: A Recess Plus Math Club
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Counting Pennies

The students in Mrs. Lenihan's Kindergarten class are learning to count pennies. An area of our classroom was set up as a school store. Students had the opportunity to buy erasers, bracelets, reading books, holiday stickers and many other items. The students were given 5 cents to spend and had to count out their pennies to make the right amount of money to buy what they wanted. Happy shopping!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Jack Jackter School Visits for Equal This
Every month Macdonough fifth graders get together with fifth graders from Jack Jackter Intermediate School in Colchester for a math program called Equal This.
Equal This is a program that allows students to engage with students of their own age and form positive friendships while partaking in various math activities. Students correspond monthly through friendly letters and visits. Macdonough students are grouped with students from Jack Jackter School. They compete against each other in a higher level thinking Equations game.
This month Jack Jackter had the opportunity to visit Macdonough. They were greeted by the fifth grade students and received a tour of the school. During their visit students worked together to create geometric masks that represented their unique individuality. Students shared the masks and were able to make connections with each other.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Musical Mentoring at Macdonough!
We are delighted to announce the start of a new program at Macdonough School!
In partnership with the Green Street Arts Center, the Musical Mentoring program will be offered to fourth graders. It is an after school program meeting on Wednesdays beginning in January.
The program will provide weekly private music lessons from Wesleyan University musicians for our students. Children will be matched with one of the following instruments for lessons: trumpet, trombone, violin, flute, saxophone, or clarinet.
Stay "tuned" for more information on this exciting new program!
In partnership with the Green Street Arts Center, the Musical Mentoring program will be offered to fourth graders. It is an after school program meeting on Wednesdays beginning in January.
The program will provide weekly private music lessons from Wesleyan University musicians for our students. Children will be matched with one of the following instruments for lessons: trumpet, trombone, violin, flute, saxophone, or clarinet.
Stay "tuned" for more information on this exciting new program!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas in Mexico

The Kindergarten students learn about 'La Posada' a holiday celebrated in Mexico. Children enjoyed 'Three Kings Cake' where there was a prize for the classroom in the middle of the cake. The children also put their shoes outside, which is a tradition done in Mexico. In Mexico the children believe that the 'Three Kings' will leave presents in their shoes.

The children listened to a story called "The Legend of the Poinsettia." In the story the little girl could only offer weeds as a gift. The weeds then in the spirit of 'La Posada' turned in poinsettia. The children in Kindergarten also crafted their own poinsettia.
'Tis the Season to be Reading' Celebration

Each classroom will welcome a community leader for a read aloud focusing on pioneers of change in America.
This will be followed by an all-school celebration featuring:
• a reading of Governor Rell's proclamation;
• a read aloud of Our Children Can Soar, written by Michelle Cook;
• a new book giveaway for every child at the school
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Macdonough School - Lego Style
Do you love Legos? Do you love Macdonough School?
If so, you will LOVE this picture. It's a Lego image of Macdonough School and is being built by a Lego expert this month. The picture will be displayed at our school when we return from the holiday break.
If so, you will LOVE this picture. It's a Lego image of Macdonough School and is being built by a Lego expert this month. The picture will be displayed at our school when we return from the holiday break.
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