Nineteen Macdonough School students have been learning about the music-recording industry, hands-on, at the coffeehouse recording studio during their after school program. Each "Studio Day" a group of children walk to the coffeehouse on Main Street and work with Michael Arafeh, the propietor.
The coffeehouse has been in business since 1988 and Michael has been a friend to the Kids' Korner at Macdonough School program since
The coffeehouse has been in business since 1988 and Michael has been a friend to the Kids' Korner at Macdonough School program since
2007, by offering his time and space for special group tours, instrument-sharing, and technology demonstrations. This Spring, Michael is working with the children to complete a special recording project. He has volunteered much of his time and effort to make this an incredible experience for the children.
Melanie Carfora, Director of School Age Care for the YMCA, proposed this recording project idea to the Connecticut After School Network and was awarded a competitive "Quality Improvment Grant" to further fund the project. The children have had a chance to use some special technology and computer programs to create sound tracks and have also laid down some vocal tracks. Most importantly, they've all had a voice in creating the final product. They are very excited and can't wait to share it with everyone. The coffeehouse is one of our great North End resources. We are so thankful to have this community connection and unique opportunity.