Friday, October 24, 2014

Garden Club

Our Fall Garden Club has been working hard. We've harvested the last of the edible vegetables and cleaned out the beds. Today we planted flower bulbs and garlic. We can't wait for spring to see them grow.
We have been learning about the important nutritional value of fruits and vegetables. As the colder weather sets in, we will be moving inside for some healthy cooking and eating!

School uniforms? The Governance Committee weighs in.

Last night Macdonough had it's first Governance Committee meeting of the 2014-2015 school year. Special guest, Superintendent Dr. Charles attended to hold a forum about how our community felt about school uniforms. The District has made no final decision one way or the other but is interested in finding out how the Middletown community feels about the possibility. An online survey will be available soon to all parents so you too can give your thoughts and concerns.
The Governance Committee meets the 3rd Thursday of the month. Parent, teacher and community leaders are elected each fall however all meetings are open to the Macdonough community. For more information, contact Mrs. Brick at

Friday, October 17, 2014

Northwest Park

4th graders visited the Northwest Park and met their writing buddies.  Students learned about owls and even had the chance to dissect owl pellets!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fire House

Today the kindergarten children went to the Fire House on Main St.  to learn about fire safety. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fire Safety

The kindergarten are learning about fire safety this month.  They practiced call 911, and stop, drop and roll. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Book Buddies Meet

Mrs. Ciccia's first grade students met with their third grade reading buddies from Miss Erasmus' class.  They loved reading & getting to know each other. 
They can't wait to read together again!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Golden Awards @ Mac

Each month, students from Macdonough School are recognized for their accomplishments in and out of the classroom. One type of recognition comes from our special area teachers in technology, library, art, music, and physical education. 

A golden paintbrush is awarded to the class with the best behavior in art, a golden microphone for the group that best demonstrates appropriate conduct in music, and a golden sneaker for the students who exemplify the best sportsmanship and participation in physical education.  The highly coveted golden owl is awarded to the class with the best overall attendance.

See below for pictures of our Golden Award winners.

Macdonough Number Five

Click on the picture to view Macdonough School's newest music video...

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