Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ms. Jukins' Class Makes Time Capsules

On the first day of school Ms. Jukins's 2nd graders made Time Capsules. The students worked together to measure their height, trace their footprints and handprints, and write about themselves. The Time Capsules will be saved until the last day of school so we can see how we've grown and changed!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Welcome Back to School Macdonough Family and Friends!

Interested in getting involved? Read all about our MAC Families as Partners!
All families of children attending and in the surrounding community of Macdonough School are considered members of MAC Families as Partners. MAC Families as Partners is comprised of both group and individual efforts that aim to enrich the education, experiences and environment at Macdonough School for students, families, teachers, and administration. Values of respect, inclusion, responsibility and integrity are at the forefront of all efforts of MAC Families as Partners.
In order to organize efforts and achieve common goals, MAC Families as Partners is arranged into three areas: Parents in Action, Family Funds MAC, and Individuals. Any MAC parent, family member or community member can associate with any or all of these areas at any time.
Parents in Action Every Thursday from 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m., the Family Resource Center (FRC) hosts Parents in Action (PIA). PIA is a group of parent leaders who volunteer in the school to make a difference in their children’s school life, academically and socially. They spend time assisting teachers with classroom tasks, plan family activities and participate on committees that support the school improvement plan. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities or to be a part of PIA please call the FRC at 860.638.3742.
Family Funds MAC Family Funds MAC (FFM) is a 501(c)(3) parent fundraising organization that abides by Middletown, CT and National PTA by-laws (,, FFM’s current primary fundraisers are two Book Fairs during the school year. Our current goal is to raise $7,000 to cover Macdonough field trip costs, teacher support and building improvements. FFM is looking to expand its fundraising and grant-seeking efforts and goals. If you would like to become actively involved with FFM or have an idea for fundraising, please email or attend a monthly meeting on the last Thursday of every month at 9:30am in the FRC at Macdonough.
Individuals Parents and other family members contribute individually to Macdonough every day. Through collaboration with individual teachers, parents have led activities in classrooms such as assisted students during computer classes, guided yoga sessions during classroom centers time or chaperoned for a class field trip. The options to help are endless. Some individual contributions to the MAC community are highlighted on the Macdonough blog: To get involved, ask your child’s teacher how you can work together with him or her.

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