Thursday, May 29, 2014

Marshmallow Measuring!

First graders have been learing how to measure objects using tools other than a ruler.  We've measured using paper clips, linking cubes and plastic links.  Today we measured lines of different lengths using large and small marshmallows!

                           After measuring, we got to eat our measuring tool! Yummy!

Macdonough Blog Marks 100,000th Visit!

The Macdonough Blog recently went over the 100,000 mark for visits!  Thanks to all for making this such a wonderful way for parents and families to connect with our school!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kindergarten visits Kid City

Today the kindergarten classes took a walking field trip to Kid City.  Kid City is a place where kids play, pretend, use their imagination, and have fun!

Memorial Day Parade

A group of parents from the Family Resource Center's Parents in Action group marched in Middletown's annual Memorial Day parade. Thanks to the parents for representing our school and our thoughts to all the brave women and men of the United States military who died in active duty.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spring Concert

Macdonough students proved they are truly superstars at Friday's Spring Concert. They entertained us with tunes such as Dancing in the Street, Twist and Shout, Let it Grow (from the Lorax!), It's my Life, and Brave.  All their hard work in music class paid off!

Dear Boys and Girls,
I am so very proud of you. I hope you are proud of yourselves for getting up there and doing your best!!!! Enjoy your long weekend, you certainly deserve it! :)
                                                                              Miss DeAngelis

Thursday, May 22, 2014

All-City String Festival

Last night, students from Macdonough performed in the fifth annual All-City String Festival at Middletown High School.  Students in grades 1-5 who participate in the after school string program were showcased at the festival.  Many current and former Macdonough students performed.  Congratulations to all on a job well done!

Mrs. Walsh's Guest Teacher

Mrs. Walsh's class has been working very hard all year to show excellent SURFS behavior during all parts of thier day.  Natalia has been a role model student all year and got a chance to be a "guest teacher" during morning meeting today.  How exciting!

                                     Natalia is counting how many items were
                               in the estimating jar.  The class then discussed
                                            who had the closest estimate!

What A Beautiful Day To Read!

Yesterday, Mrs. Ciccia and her students joined Miss Erasmus' class outside to read on the hill. Students took turns reading to their new friends. It was a lot of fun!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Macdonough Awarded "Horns for Kids" Donation!

Macdonough School was awarded a trumpet through the Horns for Kids program!

Horns for Kids is a non-profit organization that supports deserving school music programs throughout Connecticut. Its main purpose is to encourage children to experience the thrill of performing music in school, and as a life-long activity.

The trumpet will be used a part of the Musical Mentoring Program, a Macdonough partnership with Wesleyan University.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

First Grade Visits the Book Bower

First graders walked to the Book Bower on Thursday.  The children were so excited to each pick out a book to take home.  What a fun morning!



Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Field Trip to the Book Bower's

Today the kindergarten children took a walk to the Book Bower store on Main St.  The children had the chance to receive a free book, what a wonderful opportunity. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Kindergarten learns about RECYCLING

Today the kindergarten learned about recycling from Kim O'Rourke Middletown's recycling coordinator.  Her presentation "Michael Learns to Recycle' is about a young boy who learns how to recycle bottles, cans, #1-7 plastic containers, paper and corrugated cardboard.  They discussed how to recycle, what to recycle, and why we should recycle (to save natural resources, create less pollution, save energy and protect our Earth).
Ask your child what things they can recycle at home. 

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