Monday, March 31, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mobile Dental Program visits Macdonough School

One of the rooms in the Health Center has been transformed into a dental office as Macdonough School is visited by the Community Health Center's Mobile Dental Clinic. Many of our students will have the opportunity to see the dental hygienist for check-ups and cleanings!

The Mobile Dental Clinic visits Macdonough School twice each year - once in the fall and again in the spring.

If you would like your child to have access to this program, please call the school and ask for information on the Community Health Center at Macdonough School

The Amazing Kaamar and His Juggling Friends

The Amazing Kaamar and His Juggling Friends perform at the SURFS Up Celebration!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happy - Macdonough Style!

If you were at the SURFS Up Celebration today, you got a sneak peak at our newest music video! 

Can you spot Spring at Macdonough?

The crocuses have come up! Planted by the Garden Club in the fall of 2012.

Friday, March 21, 2014

First Grade Violinists

Two students from Mrs. Walsh's class have been taking violin lessons.  They brought their instruments to music class today and played for our whole class!  Both girls did an amazing job! 

Kindergarten Field Trip

Today the kindergarteners took a field trip to La Boca resturaunt on Main St.  They had a Mexican lunch.  The students have been learning about Mexico in class. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mexican Holiday

As part of the unit study of Mexico, children learned about special holidays.  The Day of the Dead is a celebration of the life of the people who are no longer with us.  This is not a sad day but a day of festivities and remebrance.  The kindergarteners made the "bread of the dead" which is eaten on this day in Mexico. 

Hartford Marathon Foundation's FIT KIDS Run

There is a brand new road race coming to Middletown and the students of Macdonough School are invited!

The Hartford Marathon Foundation's FIT KIDS Run will be held on Sunday, April 6th beginning at 10:45 a.m. on Union Green along Main Street.  After the race, students can enjoy post race festivities and watch the Macdonough teachers run in the legends race.

We have 25 FREE entries to the race for our students!  First come, first served!  If your child would like to participate, simply email Mr. Romeo at to reserve your child's free entry.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Learning About Connecticut History.

Fourth grade went on a field trip to the Connecticut Historical Society this week with their learning buddies from Clark School.  There they learned about what makes up a community, jobs that people did in Connecticut, and the history of Connecticut.  There were many hands-on activities and fun while learning about this interesting subject.
Students learned what it might be like to
work on an assembly line in a factory.

Students created their own community

Students learned about what makes a

Students learned what types of jobs
children may have done in factories long ago.

Students had a chance to dress in early
American clothing.

Kindergarten Learns about Mexico

Ms. Maria showed the children how to make garlic butter using a Pilon.  What a yummy snack!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Kindergarten

Sunday, March 16, 2014

SQUIRT Time In Second Grade

Second graders SQUIRT at least three times a week! All you need is a book and a quiet place to read.
SQUIRT (Sustained Quiet Uninterrupted Independent Reading Time) has helped us raise our reading scores and taught us about many interesting people and places. It's a special time to read without any distractions. We all love to SQUIRT !

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3D Printing @ Macdonough

More three dimensional printing at Macdonough!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering at Macdonough? There are several opportunities through the FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER's PARENTS IN ACTION (PIA) group. PIA meets every Thursday from 9:00 to 10:30. All are welcome. Any questions contact Nikki, Marisa or Amy. Stop in or call 860-638-3742.
Upcoming PIA Events: Wed., March 19th from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Kindergarten parents host the Pasta Dinner. If you have a child in Kindergarten and would like to help, let us know and we can help you get signed up. Mon., March 24th from Noon – 3:00 Boutique and Fun Family Event. This month’s event will be Smooth Moves – Drinking Smoothies and Dancing to DANCE REVOLUTION. Any help with Boutique and prepping/making smoothies would be appreciated. Sun., April 6th from 11:00-1:00 Harvard Pilgrim Middletown Race. Volunteer to help at the Cheer/Water table. See Nikki, Marisa or Amy to get signed up.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mayor Drew Visits the Family Resource Center

Mayor Dan Drew visited the Family Resource Center today to talk to Macdonough parents about the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Tax Preparation Services sponsored by our local United Way.
Families with household incomes less than $50,000 qualify to receive free help by trained IRS and certified volunteers to complete their State and Federal Income taxes. Call 211 for more information and to find out how to make an appointment.

A Blast From the Past!

A few months ago fourth grade students changed the lyrics of a couple popular tunes and performed them at a SURFS Assembly.  The songs reflect their love of Macdonough School.

Click on the links below  to view the videos

Monday, March 3, 2014

Pennies for the PTA

Can you believe that the students of Macdonough School raised over $350 during the recent Pennies for the PTA fundraiser? 

That's a lot of pennies!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Can you name each of the fifty states and their capitols?  

To kick off the unit on regions of the United States, fourth grade students chose a state, found out the capital and an interesting fact, copied a blank map and added this information to it.  This gave them an opportunity to find information on the internet and use it to produce a finished product.  Soon they will work with another student to become an expert on a state by researching, creating a Power Point presentation, and teaching the rest of the class about their state.

Special thanks to Miss Donlin for doing a fantastic job with the bulletin board. 

Next time you visit Macdonough School, stop and visit the bulletin board located directly across from the main office.  Take a minute to test your state trivia knowledge! 

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