Friday, February 28, 2014

Ms. Jukins' Class Celebrates Read Across America Day

Along with the rest of Macdonough, 
Ms. Jukins' class celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday.

What a fun filled day!
We had some guest readers come in and read to the kids.
Boy are we glad that they did, did, did!

Ms. Monarca and Firefighter Al came to read to us today,
Oh, Say Can You Say?
Dr. Seuss would approve of this wonderful way.

 We also made healthy Cat In the Hat snacks
 Believe us when we say...

 They were so tastey
In every which way!

Mrs. Nielsen also read to us in the afternoon,
We promise this rhyme is over soon.

But before you go,

You must know,
We would like to give a cheer
For having a fun day learning 
And smiling from ear to ear. 

Read Across America Day in Mrs. Walsh's Class

Today, students and staff at Macdonough celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday by having Read Across America Day.  Mrs. Walsh's class enjoyed having a guest reader; Mrs. Goodwin, who is Mrs. Walsh's mom!  Students also read Dr. Seuss books around the classroom with stuffed animal characters from the stories. What a fun day!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Third Grade Visits The Historical Society

Before vacation third grade traveled to the Historical Society in Hartford. With their writing buddies they attended the museums program: This Is Connecticut and Building A Community. Students had a wonderful time exploring and performing!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Native American Expo

Through the months of December and January, fifth graders studied Native Americans. Students worked hard to complete a cumulative reserach project at the end of the unit. On Thursday February 6, students displayed their work in the gymnasium for their families to come admire. Take a look at some of the many amazing projects students completed.

Summer Programs at Macdonough School

We are delighted to offer Macdonough School students the opportunity to participate in fun filled, full day programs during the summer! 

Our summer program will begin on Friday June 30th and run through Friday August 1st.  (Please note that this opportunity is for students entering grades 2 through 5).


8:30 a.m.        Students arrive and enjoy a free breakfast in the school cafeteria compliments of Middletown’s Community Renewal Team (CRT)     

9:00 a.m.        Students move to classrooms for a morning of math and reading activities with Macdonough staff members as part of our Summer Enrichment Program.

11:30 a.m.       Students  return to cafeteria for a free lunch provided by Middletown’s Community Renewal Team (CRT).

12:30 p.m.      Students transition to KIDS ARTS 2014 programs in various locations at Macdonough including the popular Children’s Circus and Creative Arts Workshops.

3:00 p.m.       Students are dismissed from the blacktop area.


·        Please note that there are separate registration forms for the Summer Enrichment Program and KIDS ARTS 2014.   Forms were emailed to all families and copies were sent home with students. 

·        The fees for both programs are on a sliding scale and financial assistance is available. 

·        These programs will fill quickly so be sure to return the forms as soon as possible to ensure your child’s participation!  Forms due back to school by Monday, March 3rd.
Feel free to contact our Kelli Swan with questions  at or at 860-347-8553.  We look forward to your child’s participation in the Summer @ Macdonough programs!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pet Partners

Today Emmie a pet partner dog came in to visit the kindergarteners. Her owner Debbie Summers talked about what Emmie had to learn to become a pet partner dog. Each student had a chance to read to Emmie.

Guest Reader In Kindergarten

Taylor a first grader showed SURFS behavior in her classroom and chose to read to Mrs. Lenihan's class. We love guest readers.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kindergarten Celebrates the 100th day of School!

Today the kindergarten children celebrated the 100th day of school. They wore crowns, made themselves 100 years old, had a 100 day snack and made necklaces with 100 pieces of cereal. We are 100 days smarter!

First Grade Celebrates the 100th Day of School!

During math today, first graders counted out 100 pieces of cereal and used the cereal to count by 1's, 5's and 10's to 100! We are 100 days smarter!!



Monday, February 10, 2014

Parents in Action

Every Thursday from 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m., the Family Resource Center hosts Parents in Action (PIA). PIA is a group of parent leaders that volunteer in the school to make a difference in their children’s school life, academically and socially. They spend time assisting teachers with classroom tasks, plan family activities and participate on committees that support the school improvement plan. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities or to be apart of PIA please call the FRC at 860.638.3742.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A 5th Grade Celebration of 2013

Getting to Meet and Know Our Pen Pals at Bushy Hill


Miss Weindruch becomes Mrs. Lata

Learning About the Importance of Being an UPSTANDER

 Making a Friendship Quilt with Pen Pals

 Showing Off Art Projects

 Friends Enjoy Reading Together

 Finding Success with Long Division

 Cultural Storyteller Eshu Bumpus

 Giving Thanks Before "School Thanksgiving Dinner"

 Competing in a Math Game Show in Bridgeport!

 Visiting the Hartford Stage to see Classmates Perform Live!
Congratulations Aidan and Dermot McMillan!!
 Enjoying the Cast of A Christmas Carol- 
Thank you for the Opportunity Eli's!

We're looking forward to what the rest of the school year holds!!

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