Friday, January 31, 2014

Yoga in First Grade

During centers every Monday, first graders in Mrs. Walsh's class have been lucky enough to participate in a yoga center!  Taavi's mom; Miss Amy is a certified yoga instructor and is teaching our class different exercises.  These exercises are helping us get in extra physical activity during the school day. 

Recess Rocks

Recess Rocks is a program to bring fun and movement to recess periods. Today kindergarten got to enjoy this during recess.

Macdonough School Featured in Fire Safety Video!

The final version of the fire safety video is complete!  Go to to view our students, families, community members and staff singing and dancing…

Just click on Little Rosalie!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fitness Fun for Parents and Staff @ Macdonough!

Macdonough School will be offering an exercise/dance class to all teachers and parents.

It will be a lot of fun and it’s a great way to stay active through the winter months. The class wlll take place beginning February 4th until April 1st  every Tuesday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Macdonough gym. 

Please join us!

Free childcare provided by the Macdonough Family Resource Center!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Library Furniture For Macdonough!

Hooray for Macdonough School!

We received a shipment of brand new furniture as the first step in our library renovation project.  Stay tuned for more improvements  as we complete an exciting makeover for this space...

Guest to Kindergarten

On Monday Mrs. Lenihan's class had Shakur's Aunt in the classroom for a special birthday activity. The children made race cars out of candy after listening to a story about things that go. Shakur's cousin Lizzie who is in 3rd grade also helped the class.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Box Tops Pizza Party in Mrs. Walsh's Class!

Mrs. Walsh's class won the school wide contest for collecting the most box tops and labels for education for the first half of the school year! Our class collected over $80.00 for our school! We enjoyed a pizza party yesterday to celebrate! Remember to keep bringing in those box tops for our school! I wonder who will win the party for the second half of the year?!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rocks and Minerals

Third grade has been busy studying  rocks and minerals. Today we had special guests come in to help us explore our new collection of rocks. Students were busy identifying minerals, understanding rock formations, and classifying types of rocks.

First Graders Have Fun with Fractions!

First graders have been learning about fractions in math.  Last week, each student got a whole graham cracker, which they then broke into halves.  Learning with food is always so much fun!  Mmmmmm!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Second Grade Sings and Dances with Les Julian

Second grade classes met their NUMBER KIDS buddies at the ELKS Club last week to sing and dance with musician Les Julian. Students had the opportunity to play instruments, dance, sing and hear some songs written about people who "never gave up!" His message to the students was, "Good things happen, but you have to show up!" We sure are glad that we did!


Friday, January 17, 2014

Macdonough School's Monthly Food Drives

Macdonough School families support the Amazing Grace Food Pantry throughout the school year.    During our SURFS Up Celebrations, we bring in food donations to help our neighbors.

So far this year, we have donated over 500 pounds of food!  That's as much at TWO Mr. Romeo's!

During 2013 a total of 11,868 households were served at Amazing Grace Food Pantry and over 380,000 items of food were distributed throughout the year.  Each month an average of 989 people came to Amazing Grace to select food – free of charge – for their families. 
Donations are essential to keep the pantry shelves stocked and ready for “shopping.”
Thanks to Mrs. Swan for coordinating this effort to help!

Marshmellow Painting

The kindergarten students painted snowmen with marshmellows. They added details to their snowmen and wrote about them. They are on display in the hallway.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jay Hoggard Music Performance

To celebrate Black History Month, 5th grade students got the opportunity to travel to the MHS Performing Arts Center to watch Jay Hoggard and his band perform. 
Students also got to see performers from the Equilibrium Dance Theater dance to the music.

Thank you to Mr. Gaylord for facilitating this amazing trip for our students!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fourth Grade Students View Webcast

Students in Mr. Ferrero and Miss Claffey's classes enjoyed a webcast featuring authors Jeff Kinney, writer of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Dav Pilkey, writer of Captain Underpants. The two authors came together to co-write the beginning of a story. Students in both classes will have the opportunity to finish writing the story and submit their ending into a contest.

To view the webcast, click the link below.


Scholastic Book Clubs Online Video Player.


Macdonough School Welcomes Student Teachers This January

We are very excited to welcome three student-teachers to Macdonough School this semester.

Miss Jen Emory, from Southern Connecticut State University, is working under the direction of Ms. Michelle Currier. Ms. Teresa Morello and her third grade class welcome Miss Meagan Salisbury from Central Connecticut State University. Miss Samantha Bly is joining us from Central Connecticut State University as well and she is working with Mrs. Lauren Lata and her fifth grade class.

 Miss Salisbury, Miss Bly, and Miss Emory 
We wish our student teachers a warm welcome! We are happy to have them at Macdonough School!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

3rd Grade Travels to the Colonial Period

Last week 3rd grade visited the Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum in Wethersfield. Students had the opportunity to learn about the food, medicine, and textile production. While experiencing the colonial period students were able to snack on some tea and biscuits. Some students enjoyed the tea while other chose to pour in the slop bucket.

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