Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mr. Romeo Visits Math Class!

What do Mr. Romeo + Healthy Snacks + Counting add up to? The answer is Fun in Math Class!

Second Grade Off to a Great Start

Second graders have been busy meeting new friends, creating time capsules, and learning the expectations and routines of a new grade. Enjoy these photos of our first month together.

Measuring each other for our Time Capsule!

Meeting new friends

Enjoying our Classroom Library

Working together in Math Class

Friday, September 27, 2013

Gingerbread Man

Today the kindergarten read the book The Gingerbread Man. We made a gingerbread man cookie and when we went downstairs to the kitchen he was gone. The children had a lot of fun searching the school for him. Ask your child where did they find him in the end.

First Graders Visit the Farmers' Market

First grade students walked to the North End Farmers' Market today. Children were able to pick out fresh fruits and veggies to bring back to school and enjoy!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Learning About One Another

Miss Claffey's and Mr. Ferrero's classes took some time this month to learn about one another and celebrate who we are.  Students created posters about themselves and presented them to the rest of the class.  Great job fourth graders!

Macdonough School's October Food Drive

Fifth grade students are organizing an October Food Drive in support of the Amazing Grace Food Pantry.

Students and staff are asked to bring in a non-perishable food item during the week of September 30 through October 4.

The food drive is being held in conjunction with our October SURFS Up Celebration

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Book Buddies!

First graders from Mrs. Walsh's classes are book buddies with Miss Wardwell's fifth graders.  Today was our first day reading with our buddies.  We are all looking forward to reading together this year!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Connecticut's Run for the Fallen

Members of the Macdonough School Running Club participated in the fourth annual Run for the Fallen CT, held Saturday in Middletown.

The event is held to honor all servicemen and women who have lost their lives during their service in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Farmers Market

Today the kindergarten children walked to the Farmers Market. The children picked out peaches, apples, purple potatoes, corn and even yellow peppers. What a wonderful field trip.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Apples, Apples, Yum, Yum, Yum

Today the kindergarten children learned about Johnny Appleseed. We made a few crafts and even tasted different kinds of apples. The students made a graph of their favorite apple. What kind of apples is your favorite?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ice Cream Cone's Birthday

Did you know that the ice cream cone was invented on September 22, 1903? Time to celebrate!

Recess Fun

Students go outside for recess everyday. Please remember jackets for these cooler days. Even the teachers have fun at recess!

Mobile Dental Program visits Macdonough School

Our Health Center has been transformed into a dental clinic this week as Macdonough School is visited by the Mobile Dental Clinic. Many of our students will have the opportunity to see the dental hygienist for check-ups and cleanings!

The Mobile Dental Clinic visits Macdonough School twice each year - once in the fall and again in the spring.

If you would like your child to have access to this program, please call the school and ask for information on the Community Health Center at Macdonough School

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Box Tops for Education at Macdonough

Help Macdonough School earn money by clipping Box Tops from your favorite products. This is one of the easiest way to earn, because we buy these products daily! All you have to do is Clip, Turn-In and Save!
Another great way to earn Box Top points is by registering online. Once you register through Box Tops for Education Website, you have the opportunity to receive coupons and promotions on Box Top products that you can use at the local grocery store.
You'll also get: Macdonough's complete Box Tops earnings details, money-saving coupons for Box Tops brands, over 100 recipes using Box Tops products, and exclusive chances to win Bonus Box Tops. Best of all, membership in is absolutely FREE!  

3D Shape Shopping

First graders have been learning about 3 dimensional shapes.  Today, children worked with a partner to look in grocery store flyers to find examples of 3D shapes.  Some shapes they found were a cube of cheese, a rectanular prism box of cereal and a sphere shaped apple. 

$200,000 for Macdonough School


More than $200,000 for Macdonough School for 2013-14 and 2014-15 School Years

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy, together with State Department of Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor, today announced After-School Grant Program awards totaling $8,490,000 over the biennium to support 26 programs in 18 districts. After-school programs provide a link for communities and families for meaningful engagement in the educational development and well-being of students. Investments into high-quality after-school programs aid in supporting academic achievement, in addition to improving school attendance and in-school behaviors of the participating students.

Monday, September 16, 2013

2D Shapes

Today Mrs. Spaman's class had a 2D shape snack. Yummy!

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Red Ripe Strawberry

The the Kindergarten children read the story The Litttle Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Audrey and Don Wood. The students colored in pictures from the story about where the mouse hid the strawberry from the bear. At the end of the story the mouse shared the strawberry with us. All the children got to enjoy strawberries at snack time.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Little Red Hen

Today the kindergarten students heard the story The Little Red Hen. The hen asked her friends in the story to help her make bread, but they all said no. Today the students got to help make bread and share it at snack time. Yummy!

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