Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mrs. Ellis's Class "Equal This" Project

Mrs. Ellis's class has been busy creating their own model of Middletown for their culminating project for "Equal This". "Equal This" is a program targeted towards math.
 With this project, the students had to make a model of their town, and determine the area and perimeter of it. Their partnering school, Jack Jackter in Colchester ,also did this as well. When they were finished, students from Jack Jackter and Mrs. Ellis's class met to showcase all their hard work.
Great job Mrs. Ellis's class. You did a fantastic job!
Take a look at all their hard work!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Turn off the TV Night

Last week, students and families had an exciting night! Students were greeted with a passport filled with various activities and games to attend. Such activities included Connect 4, Uno, board games, drumming, freeze dance, looking at bug collections, drinking smoothies, and so much more! Once the students finished all of the activities on their passport, they got a glow stick!
A special thank to Jen Alexander for planning and coordinating this awesome night!


Comcast Cares Day

The sun was shining on Saturday as employees of Comcast joined teachers, students, families and neighbors for the 2013 Comcast Cares Day.

Community gardens were wakened from the winter hibernations and a brand new Born Learning Trail was installed at Macdonough School!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Kindergarten learns the letter O!

Today the kindergarten children had a special visitor. It was Ozzie the octopus!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fourht Grade Visits State Capitol


Fourth grade students visited the State Capitol in Hartford. They were given a tour of the building including the senate and house chambers. While at the capitol students were lucky enough to meet Senator Paul Doyle, one of Middletown's legislatures.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Fantastic Friday Fun!

On our day back from vacation, students at Macdonough were enjoying many fun activities! Students attended a SURFS Up Assembly where new students and faculty were greeted, Unified Sports and the first grade marathoners were recognized with awards, and Mr. Romeo read a book "It's Ok to Be Different." Afterwards, students, faculty, and parents went outside to take a group picture that says "I <3 MAC" (can be seen on our main page.)
Next, students were divided into different groups, with different teachers ,where students learned the importance of accepting our differences.
Finally, students enjoyed a movie in the gym along with a fruit smoothie or fruit snack.
What a great way to end April vacation!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Salt Marsh Opera

Due to a limited exposure to opera, the immediate reception was one of unfamiliarity, as evidenced by uncomfortable giggling.  However, I am pleased to say, that because of the professionalism and ability to engage all levels of interest, our presenters, by the end, were able to engage all of our kids and ultimately expose most of them to a type of music that they have never seen performed live before.

Presenters gave a tremendous opportunity to our Macdonough students to partake in an interactive preview of the show they will see at the end of April, performed by the Salt Marsh Opera.  Fifth graders John Leonard, Christopher Doura, Haley Peacock, and Kobi Masselli made very valuable contributions to the presentation with their predictions and knowledge about different cultures.  The entire fifth grade audience is to be applauded as their open minds were completely engrossed by the end of the presentation.  Fifth graders are fortunate enough to be able to see the entire show, La Cenerentola, which is an adaptation of Cinderella, at the end of this month.  We are so grateful that the arts department of Middletown is facilitating this majestic operatic experience for fifth graders across the district.  Thank you, again, to the Salt Marsh Opera, for not only bringing the opera to Middletown, but for offering this cultural awakening for many who have not yet discovered their love for opera.

The Energizer Guys

Today, Macdonough students enjoyed learning about electricity and how to conserve energy with The Energizer Guys performance. Our Macdonough superheros and "Nikki Neutron" saved the world by preventing the villian ,"Sneaker," from wasting energy. We did this by teaching him how to conserve energy such as using compact fluorescent light bulbs, turning off our water faucet when not in use, and using low flow shower heads.
Thanks for coming Energizer Guys!  


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jazz Grooves And 5th Grade Moves

Thank you to the Wesleyan Jazz Band, not only for exposing us to classic jazz, but also for allowing us to open our minds and bodies to the music...

Thank You Wesleyan Athletics

As if the Harlem Shake wasn't enough...

5th graders had such a great time at Recess with Wesleyan.  The WESU athletes taught Macdonough students not only about the impressiveness of having skills, but of the importance of teamwork and cooperation.  Wesleyan athletes used their skills to not only include all students involved in the games and competition but to showcase the importance of teamwork while interacting with our students.  A sincere "thank you" to all of the time and work that went into making this such a wonderful and positive event for our kids. 

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