Due to a limited exposure to opera, the immediate reception was one of unfamiliarity, as evidenced by uncomfortable giggling. However, I am pleased to say, that because of the professionalism and ability to engage all levels of interest, our presenters, by the end, were able to engage all of our kids and ultimately expose most of them to a type of music that they have never seen performed live before.

Presenters gave a tremendous opportunity to our Macdonough students to partake in an interactive preview of the show they will see at the end of April, performed by the Salt Marsh Opera. Fifth graders John Leonard, Christopher Doura, Haley Peacock, and Kobi Masselli made very valuable contributions to the presentation with their predictions and knowledge about different cultures. The entire fifth grade audience is to be applauded as their open minds were completely engrossed by the end of the presentation. Fifth graders are fortunate enough to be able to see the entire show, La Cenerentola, which is an adaptation of Cinderella, at the end of this month. We are so grateful that the arts department of Middletown is facilitating this majestic operatic experience for fifth graders across the district. Thank you, again, to the Salt Marsh Opera, for not only bringing the opera to Middletown, but for offering this cultural awakening for many who have not yet discovered their love for opera.