Monday, June 18, 2012

Third Grade Storms the Beaches

Macdonough third graders took a field trip to Meigs Point Nature Center at Hammonasset State Park to learn about animal adaptations.  There they learned about snakes, turtles, and sea creatures and the adaptations that help animals survive.  After that they ate lunch at the pavilion and then got to relax on the beach.  A day full of fun and learning.
Students observing a crab at the touch tank.

Students learned about turtles 

A student examining a whelk snail

Students saw snakes up close.

Students enjoying the beach!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Reading

Today the students heard from Kitty Robinson of the Russell library about the summer reading challenge.  Students heard about all the exciting things that are happening at the library this summer.  They also got a chance to see the book mobile. 

Click on the link to see what else is happening at the library.

A Flag for Macdonough

As students learned about the meaning of the symbols in the United States Flag, they were asked to consider which symbolswould be incorporated into a flag for Macdonough. 

Mia, a fifth grade student, had the honor of reading her essay at our Flag Day Celebration.

A Flag for Macdonough

       What would a flag for Macdonough School look like?  What symbols and colors should be included?

Flag Day at Macdonough School

Mayor Dan Drew and members of the First Company Governor's Foot Guard helped Macdonough School students and staff celebrate Flag Day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Looking For Susie

The kindergarten students got a special treat today. 

Lisa Santangelo came in to read the book Looking For Susie.  Her sister Marie-Louise Scull was the illustrator of the book.  Each student got to take a book home with them for summer reading!

Flag Day

Kindgarten is ready for Flag Day!

Vegetables from the Farm

The Kindergarten children got a chance to eat and bring home some vegetables from the farm.  The students each took home an ear of corn and a potato.  They also got to eat some cucumbers and tomatoes. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Third Grade Historical Walk

Third grade students hit the road running today.  Actually they hit the sidewalk and they walked.  They took a foot tour of our wonderful city to learn about Middletown's rich history by visiting some of the historical sites of our city.  They also visited Mayor Daniel Drew, who took time out of his busy day to show them around city hall and explain how things work. 

Mayor Drew let students try out his gavel.
Mayor Drew speaking to students in the council chamber.

Students visited the Middletown Historical Society.

Students learned about many historical buildings including Saint Sebastian Church.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Garden Club Plants Garden at CHC

Macdonough's Garden Club planted their first of several gardens on top of the new Community Health Center on Friday.  They will continue to plant more gardens at the CHC this summer.  The members of the garden club look forward to taking care of their newly planted garden!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Super Spellers Picnic

Super spellers from Miss Grossman's class were treated to a picnic at Donovan Park during lunch today! Congratulations to Izabella, Amar, Zoe, Kailey and Antonio on a job well done on thier spelling test of all their kindergarten sight words!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Looking for Susie

Kindergarten students received a special treat today!  Copies of the book Looking for Susie, written by Bernadine Cook and illustrated by Marie-Louise Scull, were donated to the school.  Each child in kindergarten will receive a copy of the book to begin their summer reading adventures!

Looking for Susie tells the story of a family and a wonderful surprise.  One by one, the children go looking for Susie, the youngest child, to fetch her to the supper table. And, one by one, they fail to return. Finally, an irate mother goes searching and finds her family admiring their cat's new kittens.
Appreciating Differences Through Music

Cyd Slotoroff, a professional singer-songwriter, shared melodies with the fourth grade classes in order to help build a community among students. Students listened to songs and discussed coping strategies to take a stand against bullying.

Super Spellers Picnic

Super spellers from Mrs. Spaman's class were treated to a picnic at Donovan Park!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

iLove iPads!

In first grade today, students were able to use our new iPad during reading groups. Students played phonics games and had a lot of fun learning with this new technology. Thank you Mr. Romeo for giving us the opportunity to have this iPad in our classroom!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Down on the Farm

The kindergarten students went to the farm today.  They got to go on a hay ride, see some farm animals, plant a bean seed and eat lunch at the farm. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fifty Nifty United States!

Special thanks to Gil the Painter for his work in restoring our playground map to include all fifty states!

Stay tuned for a picture of the colorful completion of this work of art!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Caterpillar Reading

The kindergarten students were part of a reading race to first grade.  Students had to read 6 books at home and then they received a part of a large caterpillar.  Each kindergarten class had their own display of a caterpillar and we raced to first grade.  Mrs. Lenihan's class won with 81 caterpillar bodies, that's 486 books read by the kids.  They had a popcorn party to celebrate.

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