Thursday, May 31, 2012

Third Grade Field Trip to Wadsworth Mansion

Third grade students visited a Middletown treasure today and learned about nature and history.  Students learned about the history of the Wadsworth Mansion.  While taking a tour of the interior they learned how the family originally built this landmark and then donated part of the land to the state, which is now Wadsworth Falls State Park.  They also learned how the mansion fell into disrepair and how the city of Middletown restored it to its original splendor. 
     Students also walked the grounds and learned about wildlife, trees, native vegitation, and invasive species of plants.  They also examined creatures that live in a vernal pool and were able to see first hand animal adaptations at work.

A student examines creatures from the vernal pool 

Students learn about tadpoles and more.

Students learned how to identify trees and vegitation.

A student looking at pictures that show the history of the mansion.

Students in front of the Wadsworth Mansion learn how this great building came to be.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Third Graders Explore Area and Perimeter.

Third grade students learned about area and perimeter by creating polygons using tape, teamwork, and a little imagination.

 First, students worked in teams to make polygons.
Once they created their polygon, they measured the length of each side and then added up all sides to find the perimeter.

Next, they counted up the tiles inside their polygon to calculate the area.

Finally the students drew their polygons on
graph paper

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Color Me Rad

Macdonough Gets Rad!

Teachers and students ran in Saturday's Color Me Rad 5K

What a colorful day of fitness and fun!  Macdonough Staff and students (K) Taylor and (5th grader) Hayden enjoyed a morning full of music and color bombardment Saturday morning at Rentschler Field in East Hartford.  Color Me Rad 2012- awesome time!  Thanks Team Romeo!!

5th Grade at the Science Center

Mrs. Paul and Miss Weindruch's fifth graders enjoyed exploration and fun at the Science Center on Friday.  Classes participated in a lab that supported concepts taught in their Sound Unit. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Twin Day

Teachers, staff and faculty participated in twin day today.  There were even triplets too! 

Triplets from the 80's; Miss Whaley, Miss Lavoie and Miss Mckenzie

Miss Vullo and Miss Jakiela

Lifeguards Mrs. Nielsen and Mrs. Arabas

Beach bums Miss Francois and Mrs Sullivan

Mrs. Oszurek and Mrs. Lenihan

Mrs. Ciccia and Miss Kolman as Salt and Pepper

Mrs. Walsh and Miss Grossman as Thing 1 and Thing 2

Aloha from Mrs. Petras and Miss Flom

Miss Morello and Miss Jukins are not happy campers they had to wear their rival teams shirt

Nurse P and Miss Pitkin show off their twin height!

Yee-Haw! from Mr. Romeo, Nikki from FRC and
Mrs. Quinones

Mrs. Raney and Miss Aresco

2 Men of MacDonough; Mr. John G and Mr. Ferrero

"Copy that"...Mrs. Brick and Miss Antonucci
Ms Kelly and Miss Green

Angela, Miss Maletta and Miss Cruz-Viera

Classroom Measurements

First graders have been learning how to measure using non-standard units in math.  Yesterday, students measured different classroom objects with a variety of non-standard measurement tools.  We used paper clips to measure a book, pencils to measure a recycling bin and much more!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Guest Reader in Mrs. Spaman's Class

India from Miss Morello's fourth grade class came and read "Jerome Camps Out" to Mrs. Spaman's class this afternoon.  They were so excited to have her visit the classroom.  Thank you India for a wonderful story time!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3 Alarm Field Trip for Third Grade!

Students arriving at the fire house
Third grade visited the Middletown Fire Department on Main Street.  Firefighter Al taught students about the history of the department, gave us a tour of the building and showed some of the equipment firefighters use. 

Students checked out the interior of a fire engine.

Firefighter Al explains the equipment used to fight fires

Second Grade Learns About Trustworthiness

Today in Health class, Mrs. Raney and Miss Green's class talked about what it meant to be a trustworthy person and friend.  They then each wrote down one characteristic of a trustworthy friend to add to a class trustworthy chain.  Some responses students wrote were; "A trustworthy person is someone who follows the rules," "A trustworthy person is someone who doesn't lie," and "A trustworthy person is someone who is friendly."

Spring Concert

Tuesday morning students sang and played songs celebrating holidays such as Valentine's Day and Halloween. It sure was a blast! A special "Thank You!" to our Kindergarten students for opening the show and our 5th grade guitar soloist!

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