Friday, September 30, 2011

Staff Make-Over in the Family Resource Center

Miss Nikki Belton and Miss Heather Haouchine joined the team at Macdonough School as our new FRC coordinators. They have been working together at Bielefield at Family School Connections to build bridges between families and school. Miss Nikki Belton enjoys reading and spending time with her 3 children (ages 11, 16, and 17). Miss Heather Haouchine enjoys hanging out with her 17 year old and 10 year old triplets.

Vistor to Kindergarten

Today Mrs. Spaman's class had a special vistor Sadie's Grandfather. He entertained the class with some musical selections from his clarinet.

Kindergarten Teddy Bear Picnic

The kindergarten enjoyed a teddy bear picnic today. They used their teddy bears this week in graphing activities, sorting and arts and crafts.

Kindergarten goes to the Farmer's Market

The Kindergarten classes went to the farmers market today. The children enjoyed listening to music and purchasing apples, pears, peaches, and egg plant to name just a few.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Class Teddy Bear

This week was Teddy Bear week in Kindergarten! Sadie from Mrs. Spamans class had a Teddy Bear specially made to stay in her class for everyone to share! Enjoy the rest of Teddy Bear week :)

Fall is here!

To celebrate the coming Fall kindergarten learned all about acorns and squirrels. The students enjoyed creating their own acorns out tasty treats! Yum!

Monday is Bread Day at Macdonough

Thanks to a generous donation from a local business, dozens of loaves of bread are delivered to Macdonough School each Monday afternoon.  Families are welcome to take a loaf of bread, package of muffins or bagels, or other related product.  The bread is free to all Macdonough families.

This program is supported through the efforts of our Family Resource Center and our friends from Wesleyan University.

Middlesex Hospital Fit for Kids Program

Macdonough School has been selected to host a special program presented by Middlesex Hospital called Fit for Kids! 

The event will take place on Thursday, October 13th beginning at 6:00 p.m.  This family friendly event is sure to be fun for all ages!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Science Club with Ms. Chaelyn

Second grade Science Club met for the first time today. This is one of the many wonderful programs offered at Macdonough School during lunch/recess. Ms. Chaelyn from Kids Korner runs this club and today the kids were brainstorming and exploring many different science topics. We will try to get all students interested in this club involved throughout the year, so if you love science, let Ms. Jukins, Mrs. Raney, and Ms. Green know!

Gingerbread hunt at Macdonough!

All three of the Kindergarten classes read the story "The Gingerbread man." After the story each class made their own gingerbread man. The students watched as the dough was rolled out and shaped into a gingerbread man! The Kindergarteners then went down to the cafeteria and put him in the oven. They asked the lunch ladies to not open the oven just incase he tried to run away.

When the classes came down to pick up their gingerbread man, he was gone! The kindergarteners went on a search through Macdonough to find him. He left clues in the office, at the nurses office, Mrs. Jukins classroom and the library. Finally the Kindergarteners found the gingerbread men in their classrooms and enjoyed the tasty treat!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Brown Bear Brown Bear, what do you see?

I see Kindergarten looking at me!

Kindergarten had fun today reading the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" As a class they acted out each page of the book putting each animal or person in order.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Ice Cream Cone!

Kindergarten celebrated the birthday of the ice cream cone! Students enjoyed making a graph with ice cream cones on who in the class liked ice cream and who didn't. Surprise, surprise! Everyone in the class likes ice cream. Students also made A B patterns using different colored ice creams.

Treat yourself tonight with an ice cream cone. Hopefully we will see you tonight at the ice cream social!

Liberty Bank Awards Grant to Macdonough School

Macdonough School was selected to receive a grant from the Liberty Bank Foundation's Academic Grants Program

The grant will help to fund Macdonough School's Scholars Academy, a before school program designed to provide extra support to at risk students.

Staff from Macdonough School will be recognized by representatives from the bank at a reception in November.

Macdonough PTA Meeting

The Macdonough School Parent-Teacher Association began the year with a packed crowd for their September PTA meeting.

Teachers and parents discussed activities for the upcoming school year including the school's Open House / Meet and Greet event scheduled for September 22nd.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Exemplary School Climate Recognition for Macdonough School!

The Connecticut Association of Schools formally recognized Macdonough School with its "Exemplary School Climate Award." The presentation of the award was held at our September SURFS Up Celebration

Congratulations to students, staff, and families for making Macdonough a school we can all be proud of!

Goldfish Graphing

First graders have been working on graphing. On Tuesday, students learned how to make a picture graph. Each child was given rainbow goldfish which they first sorted by color. Students then used their data to create a picture graph. After the activity, the children were able to eat their yummy snack!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Second Grade Guest Reader

Second Grade was treated to the wonderful book, Thank You World, written by Alice B. McGinty and illustrated by Anderson Halperin. Ms. Lynn Baldoni, of the Middletown Kiwanis Club read the story and led the students in a discussion of how children all over the world are thankful for the gifts of our planet. Ms. Baldoni is the former Middletown Chief of Police and a good friend to Macdonough School and we were honored to have her visit us today.

We will be donating this book to the Macdonough School Library on behalf of Ms. Baldoni and the Kiwanis Club through our "Book for Macdonough" program.

Hungry Caterpillar Visits Kindergarten

Kindergarten read the story "The Hungry Caterpillar" and learned all about the life cycle of a butterfly. Students had fun creating their own hungry caterpillar and also enjoyed re-creating the life cycle of the butterfly!

Mobile Dental Clinic at Macdonough School

Our Health Center has been transformed into a dental clinic this week as Macdonough School was visited by the Mobile Dental Clinic. Many of our students will have the opportunity to see the dental hygienist for check-ups and cleanings!

The Mobile Dental Clinic visits Macdonough School twice each year - once in the fall and again in the spring.

If you would like your child to have access to this program, please call the school and ask for information on the Community Health Center at Macdonough School.

Macdonough Selected for BioBuddies Program!

We are pleased to announce that our fourth grade classes have been selected to participate in a special program called BioBuddies!

BioBuddies is an interdistrict environmental program. As a non-traditional field and laboratory program, BioBuddies provides an opportunity for students to experience a collaborative learning environment through hands-on activities and experiments about environmental science and conservation. 

The program pairs ten urban and suburban classrooms in four districts in a yearlong partnership with mentor students from the Bioscience Environmental Technology department of Grasso Regional Technical High School as mentors.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Community Builder Award for Macdonough School!

The North End Action Team presented the staff at Macdonough School with its Community Builder Award for their volunteer efforts at providing a summer academic program for students.

The award was presented at NEAT’s Annual Garden Party.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hartford Courant at Macdonough School

To balance the many works of fiction that students enjoy at Macdonough School, we've added some non-fiction sources as well. 

Classes in third, fourth, and fifth grade are provided copies of The Hartford Courant each morning.

Special thanks to the our teachers for coordinating this valuable resource for our students!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kindergarten Experiences The Little Red Hen First Hand

This week kindergarteners heard the story The Little Red Hen. In the story they learned how wheat is turned into flour, and then how flour can be used to make bread. Each student had the opportunity to kneed some dough and then we put it in the oven to bake.

Afterwards, we got to enjoy a nice late morning snack of the bread we baked. It was delicious!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Long Distance Learning!

A student at Arroyo Vista Charter School in Chula Vista California visited Mr. Ferrero's web page as part of a classroom internet project. 

The students in California are using the links in Mr. Ferrero's page to support their learning!  They've even made a suggestion for a new link to help our students in math. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome to 3rd Grade Mr. Ferrero

We are pleased to welcome Mr. John Ferrero to Macdonough School and as our newest 3rd grade teacher. Mr. Ferrero has previously worked at Spencer and Farm Hill before joining our community at Macdonough. Since beginning teaching in 2001 Mr. Ferrero has taught third, fourth, and fifth grade. He enjoys hiking, skiing, and spending time with his 3 children and dogs.

New School Psychologist

Miss Edna Caamano is a graduate of St. Joseph's College, studied for her Masters and 6th at Southern Connecticut State University . Miss Caamano enjoys playing basketball and hiking.

New Title I Tutors

Miss Julie Erasmus is an alumnus of Eastern Connecticut State University. She has recently begun her graduate work at Central Connecticut State University in Reading and Language Arts Program.

Miss Crystal Kolman is a recent graduate of Central Connecticut State University. She spent spring semester student-teaching with Allison Monarca at Macdonough School. She is a resident of Durham.

Miss Jessica Pitkin spent last year working as an interventionist at Lawrence School. She is an alumnus of Stonehill College and is doing graduate work at Saint Joseph's College in West Hartford.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Building Substitutes

Miss Kelleigh Thompson is a recent graduate of Saint Joseph's College in Philadelphia. Miss Thompson is currently studying at Southern Connecticut State University to obatin her Masters in reading.

Miss Melissa Francois is a recent graduate of Central Connecticut State University and a current resident of Middletown. Outside of school Miss Francois enjoys scrapbooking and playing with her two black labs.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day of school

Kindergarten enjoying their first day of school at Macdonough!

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