Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer Reading Kick-Off at Macdonough!

Mrs. Barbara Senges, Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, visited Macdonough School to kick off the district's summer reading challenge. 

Entitled "Make a Splash with Summer Reading," the program challenges students to read books over the summer and keep track of number of minutes read. 

Additional details on the summer reading challenge are located on the district web site at

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Didgeridoos at Macdonough

Do you know what a didgeridoo is? 

Well, if not, just ask a student at Macdonough School. 

The entire school was treated to an amazing assembly, entitled Didgequest, featuring an amazing collection of instruments and lesson about the Aboriginal culture of Australia.

Check out the video below to watch the fun!

Monday, May 24, 2010

African Drumming Comes to Macdonough School

Students from Mrs. Waterman's third grade and Mrs. Paul's fifth grade were treated to an African Drumming extravangza on Monday, May 25th!

Junior Achievement Day at Macdonough

Macdonough School participated in a one day program by Junior Achievement on Friday, May 21st.

Junior Achievement Worldwide is a partnership between the business community, educators and volunteers — all working together to inspire young people to dream big and reach their potential.

The program was hands-on, experiential programs teaching the key concepts of work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy to young people all over the world.

More than two dozen Junior Achievement volunteers were on hand to lead the student activities.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

North End Nights

Thanks to the North End Action Team for hosting the first of this summer's North End Nights series!  Nearly two hundred people were in attendance to play basketball, enjoy the park, eat some delicious hot dogs, and spend time with each other!

Join us for the next North End Nights event at Donovan Park on Friday, June 18th.

School-Family-Community Partnerships

Macdonough School was featured at a Connecticut State Department of Education workshop on School-Family-Community Partnerships. 

The meeting focused on School-Family Reading Compacts and the team from Macdonough was asked to serve on a panel to share their work with other schools.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Marine Science Day

Six students from Macdonough School were selected to participate in the Connecticut Association of School's Annual Marine Science Day.  The fifth graders traveled to the Connecticut River Museum in Essex for a day of fun and learning!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Macdonough School Spelling Bee

The annual Macdonough School Spelling Bee was held on May 12th.  After seven grueling rounds, 5th grader Scott Santos emerged as the 2010 champion!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Garden Club at Work

Thanks to the members of our Garden Club for their work in getting the garden ready for another season!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

3rd Grade Tours Historical Sites in Middletown

On Wednesday, the third graders, accompanied by parents Ms. Rose, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Genovese, Mr. Daniels, Ms. Alex and Ms. Whittle, spent the whole day visiting some important historical landmarks in Middletown. We learned about Saint Sebastian Church, The Russell House, the first high school in Connecticut, a location on the Underground Railroad, the Adath Israel Synagogue, the DeKoven House and the Old Meeting House. We also toured the Historical Society in the Mansfield House. A big thanks to Debbie Shapiro for teaching us so much about Middletown's role during the Revolutionary and Civil War. Before eating lunch at the lovely Harbor Park, we spent time at City Hall. Mayor Guiliano taught us all about Middletown's government and his role as the city's mayor. Special thanks to Police Chief McMahon for spending time with us during lunch and making sure we were all safe. Enjoy the pictures from our day around Middletown.

Macdonough School Walks the North End Trail!

Macdonough School participated in this year's Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) on May 5 at 10:00 a.m.

The event took place as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. It has been labeled as "the world's largest exercise class" by the media.

Macdonough students, teachers, and parents walked the North End Trail in Middletown. The trail is a one mile loop through historic sections of the city's north end neighborhood. Following the walk, a fresh fruit snack was enjoyed by all!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Middletown Fire Department Visits Macdonough

Members of the Middletown Fire Department visited Macdonough School to teach fire safety to second and third grade students.  The fire fighters brought the department's Smoke Trailer to provide a hands on experience for the children.

The purpose of the Smoke Trailer is to advance fire safety and preparation techniques. The Smoke Trailer is a useful tool in teaching both the young and old to find safety in a fire. The Smoke Trailer if filled with a non-toxic smoke and visitors are led to safety. The demonstration is designed to make the public aware of fire safety, home fire prevention and the importance of establishing a safe escape route

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