Friday, April 30, 2010

Macdonough School Awarded Grant!

Cabot Creamery has awarded Macdonough School a grant to support the Walking Wednesdays program! 

Cabot Creamery, a 1,200 farm family dairy cooperative with members in New England and upstate New York, is a company that recognizes and support initiatives promoting healthy kids and families.  The "Walking Wednesdays" program is a perfect example of a community event which supports healthy lifestyle choices.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Edna and Benjamin Shenker Creative Writing Contest

Russell Library sponsors the Edna and Benjamin Shenker Creative Writing Contest annually. The contest is held in memory of Mrs. Shenker who was an avid reader and library user, and Dr. Shenker, a wonderful supporter of the library. Young writers are encouraged to write a short story or poem on a theme that changes each year. This year’s theme was "How I Would Make the World Better!"
We received notification that several Macdonough School students have been selected as winners of this year’s contest!

Congratulations to:

· First Grader Chris Johnson
· Third Grader Syleena Daniels
· Fourth Grader Alex Judkins
· Fifth Grader Kimberly Chambers

The students will be honored at a Literary Tea on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 7:00 PM in The Hubbard Room at Russell Library!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All Children Exercise Simultaneously

Macdonough School will be participating in this year's Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) on May 5 at 10:00 a.m.!

The event takes place on the first Wednesday each May as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. It has been labeled as "the world's largest exercise class" by the media. Since 1989, millions of children from all over the world exercise together to promote proper health and fitness habits.

Macdonough students, teachers, and parents will be walking the North End Trail in Middletown. The trail is a one mile loop through historic sections of the city's north end neighborhood. Following the walk, there will be a fresh fruit snack for all.

Keigwin Band

The Keigwin Middle School Band was at Macdonough for their annual spring concert. 

The band played a variety of songs and introduced the elementary school students to an assortment of instruments (brass, woodwind, percussion, and strings).  The concert ended with a rousing rendition of The Beatles' Twist and Shout which had students and teachers alike dancing in the aisles!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2nd Grade Celebrates Reading with "Camp-In"

On Monday night students in second grade enjoyed some quality time with their parents snuggling up with a good book during a Reading Camp-In. Ms. Jukins started the night by reading Ibis the Whale and then the lights went out and it was time to flashlight read! Students and parents munched on S'mores while they drew a scene from their books to make a Reading Quilt. The quilt will be displayed on the Bulletin Board across from the office. Please take a look!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

North End Pride Day

Photos from a cookout at Donovan Park (adjacent to Macdonough School) held for neighbors participating in the North End Pride Day neighborhood clean-up.  Macdonough School staff members and parents helped to host the picnic in partnership with the North End Action Team.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Turn Off the TV Night

The Macdonough PTA hosted the annual Turn Off the TV Night event on Thursday, April 22nd.  Dozens of parents and children challenged teachers to games of Connect 4, Scrabble, checkers, Uno, and more.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Walking Wednesdays Begin at Macdonough

A few weeks ago, a Macdonough parent shared an idea…

What if we had a day when everyone walked to school? Families, kids, teachers, people from the community. What if we all walked to Macdonough? Imagine how much fun it would be for the students to see their teachers out in the neighborhood. Imagine what a great example it would set for healthy lifestyles. Imagine parents and neighbors getting re-acquainted on the way to school.

Well, today we didn’t have to imagine any more. Today we had the chance to watch a very special tradition unfold.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wiring Project @ Macdonough School

Although the children were on vacation this week, the building was alive with activity!  Mr. Jared Morin, Director of Technology for Middletown Public Schools, supervised an extensive wiring project throughout the building.

Students and teachers will return to a technology upgrades including additional computer drops, faster internet connections, and an updated phone system.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kids on the Block

The fourth grade students welcomed the Kids on the Block puppet show to Macdonough School. 

The Kids on the Block program utilizes a series of puppets to increase children's awareness and understanding of disabilities.  They use special "hand and rod" puppets. This means that one hand works the mouth of the puppet and the other hand manipulates the rod for gestures. The puppets are 3 to 4 feet tall! Some of the puppets have a disability and use aids that make their character distinctive and realistic.

The program is sponsored by Wesleyan University and Oddfellows Playhouse.

Friday, April 9, 2010

RIF Day at Macdonough

As part of the Reading is Fundamental program, every student at Macdonough School receives a new book during "distribution days" held throughout the school year. 

Macdonough's School-Family-Community Partnership team selected April 9th to hold a book distribution so that every student would have a book to bring home during the spring vacation.

Special thanks to parents Jeannie Nocera, Kelsey Solecki, Taneone Hurlburt for their work in organizing the RIF Program.

Macdonough PTA Meeting

The Macdonough PTA welcomed three special guests to their April Meeting! 

Mayor Sebastian N. Giuliano, Councilman Phil Pessina, and School Board Member Sheila Daniels attended the meeting to answer questions and lend support.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Number Kids at Macdonough School

Second grade students from Macdonough school welcomed friends from Essex Elementary School for a morning of math activities during the April session of Number Kids.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

School Picture Day

Everyone had a smile day today at Macdonough...  It was school picture day! 

Pictures will be available from Grynn and Barrett Studios in a few weeks.  For more information, parents may visit the Grynn and Barrett website

Math Enrichment at Macdonough School

There are three consecutive even numbers that add up to 42. Can you figure what they are? You could if you were a third grader in the Math Enrichment Program at Macdonough School!

Several times a month, Mr. Hank Stockmal comes to Macdonough School armed with a series of math challenges for students in third, fourth, and fifth grade. Joined by classroom teachers and other staff members, students are divided into small groups for math challenge activities.

Answer: 12, 14, and 16

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Kindergarten Show

Congratulations to our kindergarten students and staff for another wonderful performance of The Kindergarten Show.  This year took us on a musical journey around the world!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Macdonough School on WCNX Radio!

Four Macdonough School students will be featured on WCNX radio this week reading the district's school lunch menu. 

Congratulations to Alexis, Shariah, Denaja, and Samantha!  For those who miss the radio broadcast, visit for the audio clip.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wesleyan Jazz Orchestra at Macdonough!

Professor Jay Hoggard returned to Macdonough School again this year with the Wesleyan Jazz Orchestra. 

Students and staff enjoyed an exciting program of classic jazz orchestra compositions, including works by Duke Ellington, Charles Mingus, Thad Jones, Oliver Nelson and others. They also learned about the many different instruments featured in the jazz orchestra.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Book Buddies at Macdonough School

Children from intermediate grades and primary grades spend time each week reading together. This is a great experience for all in nurturing the love of reading.

A quote from one of the friends says it all, "We love doing this!"

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