Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Feast at Macdonough

Students and staff joined together for a pre-Thanksgiving feast in the school's gymnasium.  They were treated to a wonderful holiday meal courtesy of our cafeteria staff, complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and more!

After the meal, I'm Thankful Each Day by P.K. Hallinan, was read aloud to the group.  This was followed by a slide show of various things that the Macdonough students are thankful for.  This list included our school, teachers, families, friends, books, and, of course each other.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Second Grade Visits their Number Kid Buddies

Second Grade NUMBER KIDS joined their buddy class in Essex on Wednesday. We visited many different math stations to practice our math skills. One of our favorite activites was the Hundreds Board Dice Game. We shared a snack and lunch with our new friends. In December we will be traveling with our new friends to Old Lyme for more Math Fun!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Macdonough Takes 1st Place at Chamber Expo!

Macdonough School was chosen to be spotlighted by the Middletown Public Schools at this year's Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce Expo.  Students and staff put together a booth featuring photos, graphs, and data about the school.  A group of fifth graders challenged visitors to the Expo to participate in Macdonough School's version of "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"

The effort paid off in the recognition of a first place ribbon for "Best Booth" by members of the Chamber of Commerce Expo Committee.

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