Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cooking for Literacy!

Fifteen Macdonough second graders have completed “Cake Capers” from Cooking for Literacy! An Edible Enrichment Program with Miss Chaelyn from YMCA's Kids' Korner program. This four-week cycle featured lessons, games, activities and cooking based on the storybooks Cook-a-Doodle Doo by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel and Eight Animals Bake a Cake by Susan Middleton Elya. Each child has received their own copy of the book Cook a Doodle Doo, to keep, for successfully completing the first half of the program. The second four-week cycle, Griddle to Greatness, will be based upon the Eric Carle book, Pancakes, Pancakes!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kindergarten Registration

Teachers welcomed the incoming kindergarten class at Macdonough School for the annual registration activities. Students had the chance to hop, skip, sing, and play while moms and dads filled out paperwork.

Mrs. Angela Spaman, Mrs. Kelly Lenihan, and Mrs. Kym Ciccia each worked with students while Mrs. Mary Beth Brick coordinated the many forms to be filled out by parents. The children also had the chance to visit with our Nurse Parmelee.

Children and families will be invited back to school soon to participate in the kindergarten transition program!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Kindergarten Show

The annual Kindergarten Show was performed on Tuesday, April 28th and featured a variety of songs about the season of spring.

Daffodils, frogs, baseball and more put everyone in the mood for more of this beautiful spring weather.

Thanks to our kindergarten teachers and paraprofessionals for coordinating such a terrific program. Special thanks to Mrs. Sorensen for providing accompaniment on the piano.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Grade Fashion Show

First grade students in Mrs. Walsh's class participated in a Recycling Fashion Show to celebrate Earth Day and reinforce the importance of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle."

The children were joined by a representative of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection to lead the fun.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Turn Off The TV Night

Thanks to the Macdonough School PTA for hosting a "Turn Off the TV Night" at Macdonough School. Activities ranging from board games to art activities were held for some old fashioned fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Children’s Photography Workshop

Miss Alison May, art teacher at Macdonough School, arranged for four students to attend the Children’s Photography Workshop at Wesleyan University.

The children will spend an afternoon with Friends of the Davison Art Center docents learning about portrait photography, taking pictures, and directing their own photo shoots. Also, they'll receive a special tour of the current photography exhibition by Judith Joy Ross. The event will take place at Wesleyan's Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University on Saturday, April 25th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Macdonough School Running Club

Members of the Macdonough School Running Club attended the Daffodil Festival Road Race in Meriden on Sunday April 19th, 2009. Our young runners competed in the children's race in Hubbard Park. The race was organized by the Meriden Rotary Club.

Third grader Garrett Dandridge led the way with a strong showing in the Kids Fun Run.

In addition to race t-shirts each child was awarded a race medal as he or she crossed the finish line.

Macdonough School's participation in the race was sponsored by the 21st Century Schools Program

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kids on the Block

Miss Claffey and Miss Johnson welcomed Wesleyan University's Kids on the Block program to Macdonough School on April 9th.

Kids on the Block is a community service group that teaches elementary school students about people with disabilities through puppet performances.

The program is a chapter of a national organization called Kids on the Block, Inc., which provides puppet programs to help inform children on issues of disability awareness and social concerns of people with disabilities.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wesleyan's Jazz Band at Macdonough!

Professor Jay Hoggard of Wesleyan University brought a 20 piece jazz band to Macdonough School for a Thursday afternoon concert. The band delighted students and staff with the sounds of Duke Ellington and Thelonious Monk. Among the crowd favorites were "Don't Be Sassy" and "The A Train."

Yet it wasn't all entertainment. Students learned about various instruments including the drums, guitar, bass, saxophone, trumpet, and trombone. They saw first hand how many individuals working together can make wonderful music.

Special thanks to the Wesleyan Office of Community Partnerships for coordinating the performance for Macdonough School.

Spaghetti Eddie

An autographed copy of Spaghetti Eddie, written by Ryan SanAngelo, was donated to Macdonough School by the Nutmeg Reading Council.

The story is about a resourceful young boy named Eddie. Thanks to his bowl of noodles and his desire to help, Eddie comes home a hero after he meets three neighbors with problems (a broken shoelace, a broken fishing rod, broken guitar strings), and he comes to their aid with his spaghetti. At the store, he stops a robber with the only thing left in his bowl, a meatball!

The author is a native of Connecticut and an advocate for promoting high quality children's literature in elementary schools.

Macdonough School Awarded Liberty Bank Grant!

We are delighted to announce that Macdonough School has been awarded a grant from Liberty Bank! The grant, provided by the Liberty Bank Foundation, is in the amount of $2,000 and will be used to support Macdonough's before school Scholars Academy Program.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

3rd grade Visits Farmer's Market

The 3rd grade students have been studying about how plants and animals survive and Middletown history. So the nice brisk Spring walk to Wesleyan's Farmer's Market on April 8th was a perfect way to learn first hand from farmers. We were able to try fresh goat cheese and mustard greens, learn about maple syrup and how bees make honey. The highlight for many was the 5 year old Angora rabbit named Seymore who sat in a basket. Students were also impressed to see several historic buildings on the walk that we will be learning about in social studies and to connect the architecture to what they have been learning about in art. If you haven't been to the Wesleyan Farmer's Market, it's well worth a visit!
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Learning about Global Warming

Maddie Neufeld and Cara Tratner, both students from Wesleyan, gave 45 minute presentations about global warming to 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes during the week of April 6th. After listening to a power point presentation about what global warming is, how it is caused and what we can do to help stop it; the students played a game that showed how pollution is blocking the warmth of the sun from escaping the atmosphere causing a notable rise in Earth's temperature. Student wrote down ways they can help such as using energy efficient light bulbs, walking or using public transportation, composting and reducing waste. Everyday is Earth Day at Macdonough!

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Project ACES: All Children Exercise Simultaneously

Macdonough School will be participating in this year's Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) on May 6 at 10:00 a.m.!

The event takes place on the first Wednesday each May as part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month along with National Physical Education Week. It has been labeled as "the world's largest exercise class" by the media. Since 1989, millions of children from all over the world exercise together to promote proper health and fitness habits.

Macdonough students, teachers, and parents will be walking the North End Trail in Middletown. The trail is a one mile loop through historic sections of the city's north end neighborhood. Following the walk, there will be a fresh fruit snack for all.

Thanks to physical education teacher Erin McCann for coordinating the program!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Macdonough Hosts MIMIO Training

Joanne Jukins, 2nd grade teacher, gave a 2 hour class for beginner MIMIO users on Tuesday, March 31st. Teachers from around the district came to Macdonough's computer lab to learn about the many great educational uses the MIMIO has to offer.
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3rd, 4th and 5th Graders visit Wesleyan's Freeman Center

On Friday, March 27th the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes bussed over to Wesleyan's Freeman Center for an afternoon of games as a reward for their hard work completing the Connecticut Mastery Tests. Thanks to all the Wesleyan student volunteers for organizing and running the games. The dodge ball, relay races, SPUD and mine field games were enjoyed by all.

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